
Hello there. Welcome back to ANTIcomputer.org, the only site on the internet built without the aid of computers. Each edition is locally-sourced, shade grown, and sustainably-minded media, from analog artisans creating from a cage-free environment. Since 2000 we've been improving our artisan labor practices, and we're proud to say by Q2 2023 we'll be 84% child labor free.

It has been quite a while since our last edition, but times are tough. Due to the supply chain shortages, we've had a hard time keeping supplies. First we were completely out of canvas frames, then we ran out of halftones, and finally we had a major shortage of blue. I'm sure you can imagine how difficult it would be to build anything without blue.

So we ventured out and took the long and arduous trek to the post office, only to find our missing colleague who had been missing since 2x21! We laughed, we cried, we fired him on the spot.

For A:\2x22.exe we've explored some current events and current ideas including the post-C worker pilgrimage back to the office, the Singularity, and how nobody seems to know anything anymore. To help us with those topics, we've included work from two wonderful guest authors: John C. Dvorak and Dick Bazooka.

Lastly, we've vastly upgraded the user experience at the home page. The purpose is to make it easier to navigate, and attract more viewership. I've been reliably informed by the nice people at The Internet that our Instagram page has more followers than Donald Trump and Kanye West. Combined.




For A:\2x22.exe we've explored some current events and current ideas including the post-C worker pilgrimage back to the office, the Singularity, and how nobody seems to know anything anymore.

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Hello, World

The Singularity has Finally Arrived and It's Terribly, Terribly Disappointed in All of Us.

By Dick Bazooka

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The Death of Expertise and the Rise of the Internet

The Internet writ large is cluttered with bullshit, and John C. Dvorak for one, is tired of it.

By John C. Dvorak

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As Per Our Last

A concerned email from a cool manager. Heavily redacted.

Probably never happened.

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Back to Work

A short gallery of the ANTI singluarity. View with caution.

Artwork available at our store.

How to Watch Streamers When the Grid is Down

ANTIcomputer.org presents a handy guide to watching your favorite shows when the power goes out.

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You’ve thought about being responsible, you deserve a break.

Artwork available at our store.


Additional testing of our friendly algorithmic overlords.

This is only a test.

Artwork available at our store.


Do something.

Or don’t. Who cares?

Artwork available at our store.

This Device has the Answer

Surely this time. It’s been a few seconds, let me check again. Give it a sec. Ok check now.

Artwork available at our store.


Time for Plan B?

Poor Bill.

Artwork available at our store.

Lightning Strike

An artistic interpretation of a windmill that caught fire from a lightning strike made famous by a recent viral video ready for you to view in the palm of your hand.

Artwork available at our store.

Goodbye to the iPod

Apple discontinued the iPod in 2022. This is our tribute to the greatest portable playback device since the Walkman.

Artwork available at our store.

More of that Clever Bullshit

We know why you're here. It's why we're here too. And we appreciate it.

Now go buy our shit.

Happy Easter!

Inspired by true events.

Artwork available at our store.

Countdown Clock

As a public service, we created the Winter of Severe Illness and Death™ Countdown Clock.

You made it. Congratulations.

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Winning Move

Would you like to play a game?

No? Good answer.

Artwork available at our store.

VAL \\ ANTI \\ 2022

We designed five Valentines Day cards for you to enjoy.

You can download all of them to have on your computer somewhere.

Artwork available at our store.

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Get a Job, Kid

A parting Christmas greeting from your friends and family at ANTIcomputer.org

Artwork available at our store.

Classic, Mac Classic

Old Mac is not amused.

Artwork available at our store.

Wear a Mask

A message from the Islamic Emeriate of Afghanistan.

Or at least, what we would imagine it would look like.

Fuck off, Jack

We're outta here.

Get off my plane.

McAfee and the Whale

Legend has it the man loved a whale, and the whale loved him back. After hearing the terrible news, the sea levels rose. But not from melted ice caps.

It was the wails and tears of those who knew him best.

Artwork available at our store.

Stay Home

A safety reminder from ANTIcomputer.org

Artwork available at our store.


ANTI\\nxrm@l.2x21( )

Welcome back to ANTIcomputer.org, the only site on the internet built without the aid of computers. Each edition is locally sourced, fair-trade, and free-range media from a touch-free environment.

Yes, it's been quite some time since our last edition, but we're so committed to staying in, we didn't know it was safe to venture out. While inside, our small group of local analog artisans continued to create. We had so much material, we finally drew straws and sent one unlucky soul to the post office to deliver our work to the internet. We haven't seen him since.

For our Summertime 2x21 Edition, we look forward to this summer by reflecting on last summer, and hope that this season is half as fun and exciting as the last one. At least it would give us all a good excuse to stay in and stay safe and save lives.

Much of the work should be familiar if you've been current on our social media pages on some of the more popular platforms. I'm reliably informed that our content was delivered safely and has received nearly a dozen 'likes'. Whatever those are.

We hope you enjoy every bit of our Summer 2x21 Edition as much as we enjoyed imagining and painting each piece on several massive life-sized canvases, so that you can enjoy it on the phone resting on your knee while you take a shit.

We give, you give. Synchronicity.



Summertime 2x21

For our Summertime 2x21 Edition, we look forward to this summer by reflecting on last summer, and hope that this season is half as fun and exciting as the last one.

At least it would give us all a good excuse to stay in and stay safe and save lives.

Full Issue
Summer Time

Fun for everyone!


Current events decoded in an easy to read format.

Everything is easy to explain once you separate the elements and pay attention.

Very, very

Everyone's a Star!


This is just a test of our friendly algorithmic overlords. This is only a test.

Ok to Hate

Sad and true. Mostly true.

Modern Art

It's so ugly it could be a modern art masterpiece


Mother will they put me in the firing line?

Happy Little Miners

They're working as fast as they can so you can enjoy your devices!

Just look at those smiles!

The Ecstasy of Man

Burn Your Fucking Faces Off For Your Gods.

Ted Lives

He tried to warn us.

Artwork available at our store.

Love You I'll Talk to You Later

A brief study on Suggestive Text, and why it feels like our phones don't really know us at all.

Or do they?

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ANTI since 2000

Welcome to anticomputer.org, the first website not built with the aid of computers.

Since 2000, we've carefully crafted this site by hand, and personally delivered it to the internet.

Each edition is locally sourced, small-batch media, hand-crafted by analog artisans.

This edition features art from an artist from the Pacific Northwest, who created content with a modern twist on Macintosh aesthetic, entitled 1984.

We hope you enjoy every bit of our edition as much as we enjoyed sketching and illustrating each square inch which, to you, is likely represented by a pixel.

We've recently created accounts on some of the most popular social media platforms on the internet today. And like with anticomputer.org, we send all of our content to these platforms personally.

We hope that you'll frequent anticomputer.org regularly, checking back for new and exciting content. We'll be updating this just as fast as we can, provided we have enough ink, paint, and canvas, and the post office is still running.


ANTIcomputer Error Type

Hello, World.

Full Issue

"In 1984 I didn't know shit about what a Macintosh was."

A gentle tickle on the butthole with the feather duster of nostalgia.

By M. Adamson

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A Collection of Bitmap Artwork Juxtaposed with Current Events